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The need for your home to have a solid network is more crucial now then ever before. Nearly all of your home's connected devices now requires an internet connection. In addition, 4K content has now become mainstream and the bandwidth needed to obtain today's entertainment requires great speed and consistency. Take a look at our two outstanding network brands.



Pakedge is an industry leading manufacturer of high performance end-to-end networking platforms for residential and commercial AV applications. Pakedge is recognized by industry peers and winner of the prestigious CEPro Brand Leader award for Networking in 2013 and 2014 and specializes in integrating high performance engineering innovations, operational simplicity, and systems engineering to develop technology that enables customers to unleash the power of their network.



Araknis Networks® understands the importance of modern, seamless connectivity. Picture an install where complex equipment is connected through the cloud, and each piece of your network delivers top speed and incredible performance, wherever you need it. Why settle for anything else?